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Reception - Fountains & Fitzwilliam

Hello, Reception! We are Mrs Lilley, Mrs Ryde and Mrs Carr-Colliver, your class teachers. We are passionate about teaching in Reception and are so excited for you to be in our classes. We cannot wait to see what this year in Reception has in store for us.

What We're Learning This Half Term

Our learning this half-term will centre around the question: Who lives in the jungle?

Communication and Language Development

We will:

· Create and perform our own version of the Walking through the jungle poem.

· Explore and use key jungle vocabulary.

· Model asking good questions so that children can use these to inform their own questions.

· Discuss the feature of jungle animals e.g. why does an elephant have a trunk? Encourage children to listen to their peer’s ideas and respond appropriately.

· Talk about fruit tasting using full sentences.

· Take on roles in the role play area and small world area.

· Use the small world area to act out different stories.

physical development

We are going to focus on:

ELG: Gross Motor Skills

· Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others.

· Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing.

· Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.

ELG: Fine Motor Skills

· Hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing – using the tripod grip in almost all cases.

· Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paint brushes and cutlery.

· Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will:

· Work together to build a model or act out a scene in the role-play area.

· Be aware of their friends’ feelings and can they respond appropriately e.g. comfort a friend if they are sad.

· Be resilient and face the challenge of performing their Walking through the jungle poem

· take turns during games taking note and responding appropriately to feelings of others.

Circle time:

· Discuss favourite jungle animals and why.

· Recap appropriate ways to react if someone upsets you.


We will focus our literacy sessions on comprehension, word reading and writing. We will be using non-fiction text about jungle animals as well as reading the text Walking through the jungle and The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We will be developing our writing skills using various hooks for learning. We will continue to write new letter sounds, simple words and sentence.

We will also continue our daily RWI lessons, this helps us to learn how to read and write letter sounds and put sounds together to read words.

Some key questions we will look at are:

· What is a jungle?

· Where is the jungle?

· What animals live in a jungle?

· Why do we have jungle animals in this country?

· How is Kenya different to a jungle?


We will:

· Automatically recall (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10, including double facts.

· Explore the composition of numbers to 10

· -Compare numbers.

· Compare length, weight and capacity.

· Count objects, actions and sounds.

· Continue, copy and create repeating patterns.

Understanding the world

We will:

· Discuss which is your favourite animal? Does your friend like the same animal or a different animal? Compare and give reasoning.

· Explore what is it like where you live? What would it be like to live in the jungle? Can humans live in the jungle?

· Compare the lives of people who live near jungles to where we live.

· Look at the features of different jungle and safari animals. Why do they live in different environments?

· Look at the jungle climate. Is it hot or cold in a jungle?

Expressive Arts and Design

We will:

ELG: Creating with Materials

· Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function to create their Orangutan paintings.

· Share their creations, explaining the process they have used to design and make homes for animals.

· Make use of props and materials when role playing characters in narratives and stories.

ELG: Being Imaginative and Expressive

· Invent, adapt and recount narratives and stories with peers and their teacher using animals' masks and creating animals in the play dough.

· Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs.

· Perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others, and – when appropriate – try to move in time with music.

We will be sharing all of our great learning on our class dojo stories! Please do send us pictures of your child’s achievements outside of school or any. We would love to see it!