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Reception - Fountains & Fitzwilliam

Hello, Reception! We are Mrs Lilley, Miss Shorebe and Mrs Carr-Colliver, your class teachers. We are passionate about teaching in Reception and are so excited for you to be in our classes. We cannot wait to see what this year in Reception has in store for us.

What We're Learning This Half Term

Our learning this half-term will centre around the question: Who lives in the garden?

Communication and Language Development

We are going to be focusing on:

- Encouraging the children to join in at story times/during literacy with repetition in stories such as The Bad Tempted Ladybird

- Through literacy inputs, oracy focus on why and how the events happened.

- Creating links to key stories to ensure that children can link their play to a clear narrative.

- Encouraging discussion in all provision areas and modelling good listening/positive responses.

- Modelling how to introduce a storyline into play when introducing provision.

- Modelling use of new vocabulary throughout the day and links to learning areas when modelling in provision.

- Using key phrases from the story in small world & role play area.

- Discussing events that have taken places. E.g. visit from minibeast encounter

- Taking on roles of a scientist etc in the role play area and small world area.

physical development

We are going to be focusing on:

ELG: Gross Motor Skills

- Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others;

- Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing;

- Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.

ELG: Fine Motor Skills

- Hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing – using the tripod grip in almost all cases;

- Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paint brushes and cutlery;

- Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We are going to be focusing on:

- Model sharing throughout continuous provision.

- Use incidental learning opportunities to model resolving conflicts.

During Circle times

- To ensure children have their turn to talk and we all understand the need to listen.

- Being responsible and solving conflicts with others.

-Modelling how to comfort someone who is upset in the setting/ modelling how to negotiate and come to a solution within provision.

- Model looking at each other and talking about how someone might feel. Thinking about what they might need/want.

- Discuss feelings - Use Zones of Regulations to show how we are feeling.

- Challenge children to work together as a team.

- A visit from the minibeast encounter where children are given the opportunity to look at and hold different minibeasts.

- Encourage children to design and make their clay minibeast independently but understand they can ask for help when they need it.

- Talk about the rules we must follow during the mini beast visit.

- Discuss how we care for living things.


We will focus our literacy sessions on non-fiction text about minibeasts as well as the text The Bad Tempted Ladybird. We will be developing our writing skills using various hooks for learning. We will continue to write new letter sounds, simple words and sentence.

We will also continue to participate in our daily RWI lessons.

Some key questions we will look at are:

What is a minibeast?

What do you know about minibeasts?

What are minibeasts like?

Can you describe a ladybird’s features?

Can you compare different minibeasts?

Do all minibeasts have wings?

What is your favourite minibeast and why?


We will:

· Automatically recall (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10, including double facts.

· Explore the composition of numbers to 10

· -Compare numbers.

· Compare length, weight and capacity.

· Count objects, actions and sounds.

· Continue, copy and create repeating patterns.

Understanding the world

We will:

- Discuss which is your favourite minibeast? Does your friend like the same minibeast or a different minibeast? Compare and give reasoning.


- Look at the similarities and differences between the minibeasts.


- Minibeast hunt, looking for minibeasts in their habitats.


- Link to key concepts of beauty and care. How can we take care of the beautiful gardens around us?

Expressive Arts and Design

We will:

-Design and create clay minibeasts

-Develop plasticine models in malleable area

-Construct different minibeasts and habitats using the construction

-Take on roles in the Garden small world and role play Garden

We will be sharing all of our great learning on our class dojo stories! Please do send us pictures of your child’s achievements outside of school or any. We would love to see it!